Fernando A. Pena Jr.
Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Blog Post

Seiu 668 Contract

March 29, 2022 Uncategorized

Along with the increases, the treaty refines some terms following the U.S. Supreme Court`s Janus decision last year that banned “fair sharing” fees in public sector work environments; adds language to improve worker safety and increase the efficiency of government work processes; and maintains the current health contribution, among other things, at 2.5% of an employee`s salary when participating in the wellness program and 5% of salary if the employee does not participate. SEIU Local 668 announced that its members have ratified a treaty granting seven increases over its four-year lifespan. State Capitol Building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, July 12, 2019. Mark Pynes| mpynes@pennlive.com contractsThe copy of the contracts is available for each member in the members portal. Log in to the member portal and you can download/view a PDF copy of your current contract. The increases granted in this privately negotiated contract are more lucrative than the five increases totaling 11.75% over three years included in the union`s previous pact. Last week, Local 668 and the state reached a “cover letter” agreement that states that any state employee who is or becomes a member of Local 668 can leave the union at any time. The Agreement replaces the provisions of the current Agreement (emphasis added). One of the largest civil servants` unions has ratified the terms of a treaty that provides for at least one wage increase per year in each of its four years.

Please send local668@seiu668.org an email if you have any further questions. The district`s current contract extension expires on December 31, 2021. In order to keep contract negotiations confidential, we will not post any updates on social media or on the website. Updates are shared via email, SMS, and Zoom meetings. Therefore, we need to have your correct personal details. Overall, we have made some progress in the negotiations so far, but we are stuck on some key points, which is worrying. We do not plan to pay the contract before the holidays. Next Wednesday, December 22, there will be another round of negotiations.

From there, we will better understand where we are with the county and agree on additional dates for next year`s negotiations. In the meantime, if you have not yet completed the contract survey, you can access it here: bit.ly/3jpzb8G To ensure that we have the correct information, please fill out this form: forms.gle/hEHKZX3MmgVJddyK7 Please update your information so that the union can share an electronic copy of the current contract. The three workers resigned from SEIU 668 in July 2018 following the Janus v AFSCME judgment, but the union rejected their dismissals. The union argued that the workers did not leave within the 15-day dismissal window provided for in the 2016-2019 state treaty (see below). Note: Our previous website will go offline on Friday, July 30. If you have any questions or comments about the new website, please email our communications team at LegComm@seiu668.org. SEIU Local 668, which represents approximately 10,000 Commonwealth employees, reported that 99 per cent of its members voted to accept the contract and nearly 98 per cent of supervisors voted for the accompanying letter of intent. This week, important news was published about 9,000 civil servants covered by SEIU 668: the union has reached a formal agreement to allow union members to resign if they wish.

This applies to both the current contract, which expires on 30 June 2019, and the new contract, which will be valid from 2019. There are 13 other small bargaining units whose contracts expired on June 30 and are still working towards an agreement in principle with Governor Tom Wolf`s administration. We need everyone to help communicate what is happening with other members and mobilize colleagues to show union solidarity in the coming days of negotiations. In order to defend everything we have already gained over the years and not to lose ground with this treaty, we must show the country that we are united. “I am incredibly pleased that our state employees in the post-Janus world we now live in have such a strong contract,” said Steve Cantanese, president of SEIU Local 668. Only contributing members have access to negotiation updates, meetings and can vote on the contract. You can become a member by completing the membership application. In short, the Seiu 668 movement is a huge victory for the workers it represents. And if you are one of them, note that the freedom to leave is guaranteed in a parallel agreement that replaces your current and future contract.

So, if you still see the language of the cancellation window in your new contract, just ignore it – and go whenever you want. To make sure you receive future updates on negotiations and actions, please provide us with your personal details here: bit.ly/3kI2YJO A fun thing happens when workers oppose large and arrogant national unions: they win. Pennsylvania has nearly 78,000 state employees with more than 58,000 union members (75 percent). And as you can see below, SEIU 668 is one of the largest unions representing government employees. At Local 668, we are always fighting for workers and the communities they serve. Are you interested in joining SEIU Local 668 and being part of the labour movement? Register online today! Click here to learn more about organizing a union in your workplace! Two general meetings for all members of Allegheny County will be held on Thursday, December 16 at 4:30 p.m.m and again at 6:00 p.m.m. We will discuss the latest update, including a set of proposed economic measures. RSVP for meeting here: bit.ly/3otz1xW SEIU Local 668 represents nearly 20,000 public, social and social service workers. About half of our members are employed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and another 9,000 work for local, regional and private employers across the state. Pennsylvania public employees do not have OSHA protection in the workplace. Learn more about our ongoing fight for protection. Together we are stronger and together we will ascend.

The case was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. Taken together, these seven increases total 16.75% – or nearly 18% when combined. It appears that SEIU 668 agreed to this new provision after a class action lawsuit was filed against them by three Greensburg workers in January 2019. The staff – Megan James, William Lester and Angela Pease – work for the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. He added that it was worth seeing how the union had remained strong in the face of this court decision and now had more members than before the Janus case. Respondent`s Response to State Complaint March 29, 2019 Pennsylvania public sector workers are suing to leave the union.22 January 2019 | Bloomberg Act The defendants have taken and accepted the alleged union dues on the wages of plaintiffs and class action plaintiffs, even though the forfeiture of the alleged union dues from their wages is made against the will of the plaintiffs and class plaintiffs and without their consent….