Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Blog Post

Contracting the Virus Synonym

February 7, 2022 Uncategorized

Duane, with blurred vision and a contracted throat, grabbed his uncle`s hand and said goodbye without words. But it is the unfounded fear of an American public that has minimal risk of contracting the disease that confuses these efforts. For one character, he had contracted during his stay in the body, a character in its own right. As the New York Times writes, the risk of contracting Ebola in this country remains “negligible.” Synonyms shrink and contract are sometimes interchangeable, but shrinkage involves contraction or loss of matter and emphasizes falling below the original dimensions. The military says the risk of contracting the virus is minimal. For the overwhelming majority of people in this country, the probability of developing it is fleetingly low. Whether it is our daily work and our practice; because we get dirt every day. The words constrict and contract are synonymous, but differ in their nuances. In particular, a narrowing involves tightening, which reduces the diameter. In the contraction of $600,000 of machinery, machine workers would take half the amount in stock. It is still unclear how many women McFarland may have knowingly put at risk of contracting HIV. Some common contract synonyms are compression, condensation, constriction, emptying and shrinkage.

Although all these words mean “decrease in volume or volume”, the contract applies to a contraction of surfaces or particles or a reduction in surface area or length. Although in some cases almost identical to contraction, deflating involves contraction by reducing the internal pressure of the air or gas contained. One or two copies of the contract have been made and kept by one or both contracting parties. A legally binding agreement between two or more parties. The action you were trying to take required permissions that your account doesn`t have. Try to log in as a different user. In some situations, the words compress and contract are roughly equivalent. However, compressing involves pressing into a small compass and some form, as a rule, against resistance. We have temporarily prevented their IP address from accessing Vocabulary.com because we have detected behavior that violates our Terms of Service. If you think we have blocked you by mistake, please email us at support@vocabulary.com and let us know. Be sure to provide your current IP address, which you can obtain by clicking here.

Although the words condense and contract have much in common, condensation involves a reduction from something homogeneous to greater compactness without significant loss of content. If the problem persists, please visit our Help Center and let us know about the problem. .