Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Blog Post

Community Garden Agreement

February 4, 2022 Uncategorized

Gardeners will garden organically. Gardeners will contact the garden manager before applying fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or rodenticides, even if they are labeled as “organic.” The use of compost, organic mulch and weeds is always acceptable. 3.1 Non-compliance with the gardener`s agreement or garden rules. You acknowledge that you have read a copy of the Garden Rules attached to this Agreement and you will comply with them. If you do not comply with the Gardener`s Agreement or the Gardening Regulations, the Licensee may terminate your right to garden. 3.2 Termination of Lease. If the landowner terminates the licensee`s license agreement for the land on which the garden is located, your right to garden ends. The licensee or landowner may terminate the licensee`s licence agreement. We will notify you if the licensee or landowner terminates the license agreement. 4.3 The Gardener fully understands these General Terms and Conditions and has signed this Contract of his own free will in a clear state of mind. Gardeners put all organic waste such as weeds, dead plants or rotten products in the compost pile determined by the garden manager. Gardeners should cut each organic waste to a length of 4“ before placing it in a compost bin and follow the other compost rules established by the garden manager.

The Vancouver Community Garden Builders (the “Licensee”) is a social enterprise that has entered into a licence agreement with the landowner for the use of the land, acts as the garden manager (the “Garden Manager”) and administers these rules. Anyone who has land in the garden (called a “gardener”) must sign a gardener`s agreement with the licensee in which the gardener agrees to comply with these rules. Once a year, the garden manager invites all gardeners to an annual meeting to inform gardeners of any changes that have been made in the operation of the garden, these rules, in the allocation of plots to discuss problems or concerns. The Licence or Garden Manager will announce the Annual Meeting at least 14 days in advance in writing by email or first class mail. At each annual conference, an annual garden fee is due. 2.1 Risk Awareness. You understand that participation in the Garden carries risks of death or injury to you or your guests and damage to your personal property. The risks may be caused by you, other gardeners, the licensee or the owner of the land on which the garden is located (referred to as the “landowner”). The risk may also come from the condition of the land on which the garden is located, or from the equipment and tools available in the garden, or from the weather or other environmental or local conditions. They also understand that dangerous conditions may prevail in the garden, and other gardeners may not be qualified. 1.1 Act.

You have the temporary right to garden in plots _______ (the “Property”) in the garden. Your immediate family members can garden with you as guests. You can use the plot of _______ You have the option to renew your membership every year and keep your property as long as the garden works there and you follow the rules of the garden. Gardeners can plant vegetables, fruits and flowers. Gardeners should not maintain plantings or plant-bearing structures that impede the safety of the garden or impede neighbouring gardeners` access to sunlight due to their height, material or density. Gardeners are not allowed to grow plants that are more than 4 feet tall. 1.2 No Refunds. You understand that you will not receive any reimbursement or reimbursement for your expenses or any other payment if you choose not to garden or if the licensee terminates your right to garden, even if you spend a lot of time and money gardening. You understand that you alone and no one else, including your family, has any rights under this Agreement. Despite the legalization of cannabis or marijuana, gardeners are not allowed to grow cannabis or marijuana in the garden.

The garden manager provides a list of contact information and land allocation for all gardeners. Gardeners should inform the garden manager of any changes to their email addresses or contact phone numbers. 1.4 No Transfers. You may not leave anyone other than your immediate family here unless the garden manager gives our consent in writing. This temporary community garden is a future development site and will be subject to renovations at any time, and this agreement specifies that gardeners will not oppose, protest or act inappropriately to terminate the gardener`s rights under this agreement. Gardener agreements with individual gardeners are subject to the license agreement between the landowner who owns the garden land and the licensee. If the landowner terminates the license agreement, the garden is closed and the gardener`s contract is terminated. At present, gardeners no longer have access to the garden. Gardeners are not allowed to consume or consume alcohol or illegal drugs on the garden grounds. Gardeners are not allowed to bring alcohol or illegal drugs to the garden grounds. Gardeners are not allowed to enter the garden under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.

Gardens may not place signage (including signs, posters, banners, paintings, drawings or other written or visual means of communication) in, on or around the garden, with the exception of a small personal sign identifying the gardener`s property. The landowner, permit holder and garden manager have the right at any time to remove any signage from the garden without notice or compensation. The Licensee may provide gardeners with a translation of these Regulations and related summaries or other explanatory documents. The licensee does so for convenience. In the event of any ambiguity or conflict between the English version and the translated version of these documents, the English version shall prevail. It is they, not translations, that are the official and legally binding documents. Under no circumstances shall gardeners be entitled, directly or indirectly, to refunds, direct, incidental, consequential, punitive or other damages, to other forms of compensation from the licensee or garden manager or the landowner of the garden land, or to obtain an injunction, special performance or other reasonable remedy as a result of the termination of participation in the garden. The garden is intended for personal and non-commercial use only; Gardeners are not allowed to sell products or flowers grown in the garden.

Gardeners may lose their right to participate in the garden if they do not comply with any of these rules or if a gardener: emergency contact and telephone number: _ Gardeners may not enter other plots, use the tools or supplies of another gardener, or harvest the products of another gardener without the express permission of the other gardener. Gardeners are not allowed to enter the property next to the garden without the permission of the owner. Gardeners will maintain their land and adjacent paths cleanly and neatly, and immediately remove weeds, blooms or other waste from their property. Gardeners will immediately harvest edible plants. Gardeners are responsible for transporting and disposing of their own waste such as weeds, boxes, trays, bags, packages and similar items. Gardeners are not allowed to grow plants that are considered illegal or invasive under provincial or federal law. If a gardener violates another of these rules, the garden manager will inform the gardener of the violation by emailing the gardener or placing a red flag on the gardener`s property. The gardener has a week to repair the violation. If the breach is not remedied within one week, as determined by the Garden Manager in its sole discretion, the Licensee or Garden Manager may, in its sole discretion, terminate the Gardener`s Contract.

After termination, Gardener has two weeks to harvest and clean the property. Each gardener is responsible for irrigating his own property with the hose provided by the licensee. Gardeners will not pour on their plants or leave a pipe unattended. In the event of termination for any reason, a gardener will immediately return all licensees or garden managers to the garden manager. Licensed gardeners are not entitled to refunds or other payments from the licensee. Gardeners can only use plots assigned to them by the garden manager. Gardeners will take care of their plants in their plots and cut down any plants that extend into nearby plots or common areas. Gardeners are not allowed to change the dimensions of their property. 4.2 Third Party Beneficiaries. You understand that this Gardener Agreement gives the landowner the right to enforce certain parts of this Gardener Agreement against you through courts.
