Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Blog Post

Clarity over Agreement Meaning

February 3, 2022 Uncategorized

I admit that my concern for clarity about consent is not without bias, in fact perhaps a bias that has formed over a lifetime. I have noticed something in these people, whether liberal or conservative, who are so in love with the clarity agreement. What I noticed is that they are also very clear. Their message is not. Let`s unite all the old methods. Your message is. Let`s unite behind someone I love. In other words, they tend to have a program that is not really unity. All you have to do is figure out what it is, wait until a guy who`s against it could direct things, and then run to your guy who agrees on clarity and say, “Hey, let`s all come together and support him!” or words along those lines. One of the best things I`ve heard on the radio is this feeling from Dennis Prager: “A guiding principle of my show is that I prefer clarity to consent.” Clarity is a wonderful thing, seeing clearly, for someone who has not been able to do so, is a deep gift. Based on the evidence from the contracts we have reviewed or the legal proceedings we have negotiated, there is a common theme that some companies are “obscuring” essential features of their business terms, and that is what is causing them trouble. In my view, the growing agreement on clarity exacerbates this problem. I mean, really, if we`re all supposed to agree without worrying too much about the importance of the deal, why shouldn`t we just stand in line and support this new guy who will be sworn in on January 20? I.

My answer is that it`s viral. Sarah Palin summed it up in one word when asked why her campaign failed, saying it was “not our time.” That is absolutely correct. Part of the reason this was not the time for the conservative movement is that it did not act conservatively. Voters wanted to know what it was, and the answer their candidate gave was. a rescue operation. Communist light. The product of the priority given to agreement rather than clarity. We can move on, but I`ll give you some of the clarity I`ve been willing to gather over the last 3 years. This gift of clarity is not associated with President Trump`s words.

His way of speaking forces us to interpret his language through a prism of New York boasting and to follow the changes as he shifts into high gear in the middle of the heel. It`s like Marty McFly in front of the Starlighters: “All right, guys, listen. It`s a blues riff in B. Look at me on the changes and try to keep up, okay? In 2016, people were obviously impressed by what President Trump said, and although most professors rejected it, clarity was given to those of us who were willing to look beyond the character in the colors of khaki and the heart of what he said. No, the question conservatives need to think about is, “Is it bacterial or is it viral?” The American people have elected someone to lead the entire government or the executive branch anyway, without knowing a little bit about what they are going to do. All they know about Him is that He is the product of a politico-machine climate in Chicago, and that He is an anti-war socialist. If it is a viral infection, in a few years they will have had enough of His nonsense. They have already done so.

If it is bacterial, an antibiotic is needed. Here`s a thought: Conservatives could use their various disagreements to expose this lie that there is something inherently unacceptable and non-inclusive about conservatism. They could show how all these different systems of priorities are united by common values and that these values are in line with the original intention behind the founding of the nation. Example: Some Conservatives believe that the issue of abortion is much more important than the issue of fiscal responsibility; Some Conservatives believe that fiscal responsibility is more important than gun rights. The value system that unites all these positions is healthy and simple. and it has nothing to do with forcing women to have babies or creating a Christian theocracy in our republic. It simply says that people are important. People are good, decent, capable of discernment, deserve to exist even if they have not yet crossed the vaginal finish line – and are at the peak of their potential by sacrificing themselves for the concept of delayed gratification. What I say to.

the devil is in the details. The truth doesn`t smile at the statement “we agree on more than we disagree” when it comes to the good congressman, Dr. Paul, I`m afraid. Once you`ve made the deal more important than clarity, it`s a treacherously short path to that tragic state where the substance of what you need to sell is nothing but a distant memory and all you still hold is a package and a label. No, the prague saying remains valid, at least for me. Clarity on consent. After all, the product for sale is not unattractive, not complicated, in no case negative. and the only time in the recent past that it could not be sold was this year, at a time when advertising for it was muted. The advocate of conservatism was chosen as the most liberal among the available candidates. It was when it couldn`t be sold – when people didn`t know what it was.

The phrase in the nursery rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb” provides an abstract example of the importance of clarity in your trade agreements. Do you know who really needs to focus more on the deal here? Liberal. I`ve noticed that half of the people I know who call themselves “libertarians” don`t make fun of lower taxes or a minimalist government and just want to legalize pot. The phrase in the nursery rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb” provides an abstract example of the importance of clarity in your trade agreements. One could say that the phrase means that Mary owned a young sheep. On the other hand, it could mean that Mary ate a small dish of lamb. Another interpretation, however, is that Maria cheated on a naïve person! How do you interpret that? Internal struggles are part of politics. There are fierce battles for positions and conflicts over who gets recognition and who is blamed. One of the things I appreciate most about Dennis Prager is his unofficial motto: “I prefer clarity to consent.” For me, that says it all. Too often we are deceived into thinking that whoever is there and refuses to go with the flow for whatever reason, that person must have linked his identity to the role of the loose cannon. .