Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Blog Post

Alphera Payment Deferral Form

January 26, 2022 Uncategorized

Yes, our team is at your disposal. Please send your request to alpheraconnect@alpherafinance.co.za In the months following the UK lockdown, Alphera added a number of new features to the platform, including a payment book, the ability to express contract termination intentions, a billing payment option and a contractual mileage calculator. In addition, the update includes access to an online form to defer payments, which increases clarity for customers in need. The following table describes the specific terms for deferring payment. We encourage customers to send us an email to customer.service@alpherafinance.co.za if you wish to receive a statement, request a statement or upload contractual documents, you can obtain the information by logging into your account through our MyAccount online portal. If you have not been able to obtain the necessary information by e-mail or via our online portal, you can contact us on 0861 257 437. We experience a higher than usual volume of calls and require patience and understanding during this time. If you`re having trouble paying, we strongly recommend that you access the help that you think is best for your situation. Once your payment deferral is in effect, you`ll still need to make your planned monthly payment to keep your mortgage up to date. Thank you for telling us about your mortgage. As mentioned earlier, you are eligible for a payment deferral, and we will carry forward your overdue amounts to update your mortgage.

This letter describes what a payment deferral is and how it affects your mortgage. We do not offer our clients full payment leave at all levels. However, if you are directly affected by COVID-19 and are concerned that you may not be able to meet your financial obligations, you can complete the payment facilitation form below. COVID-19 Payment Facilitation Application Your application will be reviewed based on the merits of the case. Number of late principal and interest payments TO DEFER ALPHERA introduces new features in the MyFinance platform How can I see the specific impact on my contract? After accepting a payment deferral request, we will send you an email with a “concession letter” detailing the additional interest on your contract, your new monthly payments and, in the case of deferrals for a total of 3 months, your new optional final payment and the total contractual mileage. For more information on deferred payments, options and their impact, please click here to watch a video message from our CEO, Mike Dennett. IMPORTANT NOTE: This video was recorded when the closing date for deferred payment requests was October 31, 2020. This closing date has been extended to March 31, 2021 and, as a result, the deadline for new payment deferral requests (in accordance with CFA guidelines) has now expired. The maximum deferral of payment was six months, and all deferrals had to end by July 31, 2021. All other information contained in the video remains applicable. How Deferred Payments Work [If the borrower is in good shape with a change in HAMPĀ®, continues to be eligible to receive future “Pay for Performance” incentives from the MD PROGRAM and loses these incentives after making a payment deferral, service providers must specify the following: For payment deferrals of up to three months in total (whether considered a deferral or more of a deferral of up to three months in total): The online retail platform helps ensure compliant financial sales remotely Yes, additional payments can be made and used to reduce the rate, duration or balance. However, the client must confirm in writing how the specified funds are to be allocated and indicate the source of the funds (FICA Money Laundering Regulation).

Please note that the adjustment is subject to the transaction structure. There are no penalties for additional payments. Our intention is to significantly improve our response times for customers and support those affected by COVID-19 more quickly through a new online process called the Payment Deferral Form. Spencer Halil (pictured above), Director at Alphera, explained: “This growth in the number of people filling out financial applications and managing online agreements was driven by a 50% increase in the number of Alphera partners who signed up for the platforms, with a 72% increase in written volume in September.” [For a borrower who was 12 months late at the time of the assessment, if the service provider is also using one month of processing, provide the following language: We need one month of processing so that we can complete your payment deferral….