Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Blog Post

How to Start Stamp Paper Business

February 26, 2022 Uncategorized

These are 12 categories of stamp papers, which are as follows: 1. Extrajudicial stamp papers. 2. Documents relating to legal costs 3. Judicial copies. 4. Label of court costs. 5. Share the transfer stamps. 6. Insurance stamp.

7. Adhesive pad Spl. 8. Foreign invoices. 9. I.A.L.F. 10.Tax stamps. 11. Notarial stamps. 12.Notice to Brokers. The postage stamps of superior denominations purchased by India Security Press, Nasik, which until September 1998 were distributed directly by rail to the six gnarled districts of Chennai, Vellore, Coimbatore, Trichirappalli, Madurai and Tirunelveli.

After 01.10.1998, these papers are purchased without a postmark by this service taking care of the delivery by the staff in the street. As you know, nowadays, the sale of stamps is increasing rapidly, stamps are used in all government work, because stamp duty must be paid everywhere and this stamp duty is first paid by the stamp government for this offline system. Previously, but now the government has it electronic so you can create your own job by selling Eastamp online. If you want to become a wine merchant, you can get your franchise through CSC`s Common Service Centre. For this, you need to meet some minor conditions. And after that, you can take advantage of CSC`s stamp sales service. You will easily understand how to apply and in how many days you will get the franchisee, we will give you complete information below so that you can easily create your own job by becoming a stamp seller. If you become a supplier of CSC electronic stamps. So, you can have many advantages, you can open your store anywhere, e.B. in a Tehsil or office, and start selling stamps. As you know, most stamps are sold in Tehsil or the court and people go there to buy stamps and you know that the number of stamp sellers is very small. So if you also become a CSC electronic stamp seller, you can make good profits by selling the star there.

Since you know that people sell stamps from ₹10 to ₹15, you can understand how much profit you can make by becoming a CSC electronic stamp supplier. Stamps thus purchased by presses are stored in district treasures (local depots), sub-treasuries (branch depots) and sub-registrars (sub-depots). Stamp production costs are charged by the Deputy Superintendent of Stamps, AmmaComplex, Annasalai, Nandanam, Chennai 600,035. To start selling electronic stamps, you need to perform smaller procedures, in addition, you need to submit certain documents, only then you can become a SELLER of CSC electronic stamps and set up your profession with it. If you want to become an Eastamp supplier and start your business, you will need the following documents. The Deputy Superintendent of Stamps maintains a reserve of special adhesive stamps to attach to instruments received for stamping. Under Rule 9(1) of the Indian Stamp Rules, 1925, competent officers were appointed to affix and emboss or perforate labels on all instruments. The Superintendent of Stamps, the Deputy Superintendent of Stamps, all Officers of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, all Non-Commissioned Officers of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and all Deputy Registrars are the public servants who are declared “competent officers”.

The heads of all nationalised banks, State Bank of India, L.I.C. and L.I.C. Housing Finance Limited are also appointed as proper officers. The government has in G.O.Ms.No.269, CT & RE Dept. of 4.8.93 ordered that branch managers of central cooperative banks, cooperative banks of the state Apex and secretaries of urban cooperative banks may also sell special adhesive stamps. The sale of special adhesive stamps has been decentralized to all the following 5 sub-treasures in Chennai according to talukwise jurisdiction depending on the location and address of the relevant person/company. The limit value for the value of special adhesive stamps, which must be affixed for the 5 treasury sub-bonds, will be set at rs.000 /- per instrument from 01.12.2004. The commission that SHCIL receives from the Delhi government for the production and issuance of electronic stamps is 0.65%, of which 0.15% is the commission paid to stamp sellers.

Stamp sellers complain that they haven`t even received that tiny commission rate yet. The papers stamped with a lower face value of Rs.10/ -Rs.20/- come from The Security Printing Press, Hyderabad, and the higher denomination of Rs.50/– to Rs.25,000/- from India Security Press, Nashik, Maharashtra State. They are distributed to the 6 knot districts and from there to sub-treasures and sub-treasures to stamp sellers and by stamp sellers to the general public. Some stamp sellers have complained that since July, when electronic stamping began for less than 501 rupees, they have lost 75% of their customers, partly because of the inability to print stamps faster, and partly because customers now have more options to buy electronic stamps. But all admit that the diminishing ability to misuse electronic stamps and the end of forged papers have more than offset the logistical problems that e-stamps have brought with them in terms of public welfare. In accordance with G.O.Ms.No.228, CT(U2)Department, dated 17.12.2003, the Deputy Registrar has been reappointed and appointed Sub-Registrar (Stamps) and placed at the Stamp Paper Sales Centre of the Office of the Deputy Inspector General of Registration, Chennai-1, and he is to indent the Deputy Treasury Officer, Fort Tondiarpet, for extrajudicial stamp papers with a maximum value of Rs.20 / – Lakhs (only twenty lakh rupees) with the required denominations directly without payment in cash and have it recovered when the supply is exhausted. The stamp paper sales centre will serve as an extension office for the Ministry of Finance. With the introduction of this service, counterfeit stamps that have been produced will be stopped, as there are many people who make counterfeits and sell fake stamps. Due to the fact that the government suffers an annual loss of crore rupees when the government completes this process online, the government will receive a lot of financial aid and these fake people will be exposed. As you know, if you used to buy a ₹ 10 stamp, you had to pay a ₹ 15 fee for it, and if you did not give it while listening, then you did not receive a stamp, but if you are from the stamp seller who is online When you register a stamp and buy from them, you will receive stamp paper at the prescribed fee. Refunds for unused stamp papers can be made at the Taluk office.

Pursuant to paragraph 92(1)(i) of Chapter VIII – Refunds and Renewals of the Tamil Nadu Stamp Manual, the Mofussil Revenue Divisional Officers and the Personal Assistant to the Madras Collector in the City of Madras are the competent authority to authorize the refund of stamps under the conditions set out in paragraph (a)(b)(c) of Section 92, paragraph 1(i) of Chapter VIII – Refunds and renewals of the NMST. The Inspector General of Registration at the Delhi Government`s Tax Department, Nila Mohanan, said that as part of the rehabilitation of physical stamp sellers, they were given the first preference when applying for authorized centers. Out of approximately 250 suppliers, 170 to 200 had applied for and received authorized electronic stamp centres. Many, she said, refused, citing the paltry amount of the commission. Previously, the Delhi government paid a three percent commission on physical stamp papers. Wife. Mohanan says authorized centers can be run by a single person, but they are encouraged to set up an office. However, Mr.

Arya complains that the process has slowed down his business. In order to make the possibility of paying stamp duty easily accessible to the public, different rules therefore apply. In the state of Maharashtra and in cities in different regions, stamps are sold by authorized stamp vendors. The number of license providers in unit 3556 in the state. The availability of any type of stamp in each treasury can be viewed by accessing THE STAMP INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 10. If there is an alternative in case of unavailability of extrajudicial stamp papers In the judicial complex of Tis Hazari, a customer who asked a seller to collect Rs.120 for an e-stamp of Rs.100 was told in short that he could take it or not. The official electronic stamp sales centre in the court complex was functioning, but customers had to wait at least two hours or more for their e-stamps to be generated. Many of those who shop in bulk use this center to save money on volume, but complain about the long wait. (b) stamps purchased from the beginning or after them but not used or for which no quota has been requested within six months of the date of their acquisition shall become invalid ….