Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Blog Post

Cctv Non Comprehensive Amc Terms and Conditions

February 2, 2022 Uncategorized

There is much more when it comes to the CMA for video surveillance. CCTV basically comes with products such as camera, DVR/NVR, hard drive, monitor, cables and connectors. At some point, we should make sure that all these products are working properly to make sure that the system records incidents. For a CMA CCTV, the service provider would often have to look at all of the above products. The service provider must report this to the customer. If a problem/error is detected in one of the CCTV Products, the Service Provider must take the necessary measures to correct the error. This also involves taking care to save the recording and helping the customer review the images if necessary. Even in AMC for CCTV camera can also be used in two ways, such as complete and not complete. Aravind Power Electronics undertakes to provide the following services under this Agreement in order to maintain the System in good condition, except in circumstances beyond Aravind Power Electronics` control.

Terms of the annual maintenance contract for the CCTV camera in the annual maintenance contract for the CCTV camera, DVR and power supply. The annual maintenance contract is not complete and includes the repair and servicing of all equipment, including CCTV camera, DVR power supplies. 4. The cost of the CMA is 10% of the total amount of the invoice, which will be covered for a period of one year from the date of signature of the agreement, in order to ensure timely service with the conditions set out in the AMC agreement. Unlike Comprehensive, in Non-Comprehensive AMC for CCTV, the cost of replacing products or spare parts must be borne by the customer. The service provider charges a fee for the provision of technical support, periodic system review and backup of sequences, as well as recovery of sequences if necessary. Quarterly period for one or all locations and for one or all systems. 2. The customer is responsible for the proper power supply of the devices. 7.

When a product is repaired, Aravind Power Electronics does not supply a product in exchange. 7. Working hours: Maintenance work is usually carried out during the client`s working hours. Understanding (PE) at GAC. This may be extended quarterly, provided that it is satisfactory 1. The duration of the contract is indicated and indicated on the annual maintenance contract. The GAC amount must be paid in a single instalment at the time of contract initiation. Let`s understand what an AMC means service before we learn more about AMC for the CCTV surveillance system. AMC stands for Annual Maintenance Contract or Annual Maintenance Charge. AMC is a mutual contract between the service provider and the customer for a certain period of time. In most cases, it will take about a year or two.

In order to provide service support for products, especially electronic products such as video surveillance, fire alarm, intrusion alarm, generators, etc., service support for AMC includes frequent inspection of the system/product, identification of defects, replacement of defective parts, replacement of defective products, product maintenance if necessary, etc., 3. Parts Maintenance: Maintenance of the CCTV surveillance system includes a camera visibility test, well, that`s common, and the reason for this is that manufacturers work through distributors who sell to resellers and eventually reach the end user. The process is so long that it turns out that the person you end up serving is someone who doesn`t even know the device. We are different. We are a provider of video surveillance installation services and repair CCTV via AMC. In this way, we ensure that there are only experts in our company who are destined for work. and some consumables are not covered by GAC. However, the service point can 2nd payment term: For all AMCs, payment is made quarterly. The annual maintenance contract is divided into two types. 5.

The AMC Agreement shall not contain any penalties. 4. Quality of spare parts: The equipment replaced must be new and of a performance equivalent to that of the existing equipment 6. Service Tax: AmC costs exclude the service tax levied by the state or central government for the provision of these 12. The AMC contract is not covered by the costs of public and national holidays: The value for money will be very high with us as we believe in building a long-term relationship based on continuous support and development. A repair call you give us and you will be associated with us for life, only if you are willing to do it! 8. The issue will be resolved within 48 hours of the date of the complaint 6. In the event of a dispute over the AMC contract, the decision will be made by both parties. and Aravind Power Electronics will be the final. 9. The complaint will be received by email with details (such as camera number, location, etc.) only on (electronics@aravind.global).

1. Duration of the contract: The contract is valid quarterly from the date of signature of the memorandum of thanks for reading this article. If you find this article useful, share it. However, in the case of an emergency maintenance, it may be necessary for them to be outside office hours and even the 5th additional cost: The AMC cost includes travel expenses for the provision of services in all these components and the price can be set at the time of AMC signing. 10. If the full and final amount of the invoice and GAC has not been received, we do not provide any warranty for goods, services, etc. and the services will be invoiced in advance. . In today`s age of competition, quality is an important factor. The output quality of each machine depends on the repetition performance of the machine. To achieve reproducible performance; Machine maintenance is a key factor.

The maintenance of the CCTV camera requires special skills. Every organization may not have a team that specializes in maintaining the CCTV surveillance system that takes care of all kinds of cameras. Manufacturers and distributors of CCTV cameras are the best contacts to maintain these cameras as all the technology is available with them. .