Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Fernando A. Pena Jr.

Marketing and

Digital Executive

Blog Post

A Contract to Sell the Property by a Minor through Guardian Is Mcq

January 16, 2022 Uncategorized

Before the deadline of the performance, D. At the time of conclusion of the contract Answer: C 58. There is a constructive delivery of goods_____________ A.A. When the seller gives the buyer the key to the warehouse where the goods are located. B. a. If a third party in possession of the goods has confirmed to the buyer that he holds them on his behalf C. When the seller physically delivers the goods to the buyers. D.

If the Seller asks the Buyer to accept the goods. Answer: B 147. A promise to subscribe to a charity. The promise is a ___________. A. Countervailable contract. invalid agreement. C. Invalid Agreement. D. Valid Agreement.

Answer: C 74. An unpaid seller can circumvent his ______ C. privileges for the price of the goods. D. for the price of goods and costs. Answer: C 150. A person who is not a party __________ cannot complain. B.

may bring an action. C. can only sue in generally accepted cases. D. may bring legal proceedings under a warranty contract. Answer: C 41. In the case of a sale, if the goods are destroyed, the loss falls on________________ A. the buyer. B.

The Seller. C. Partly to the buyer and partly to the seller. D. The seller, if the price has not been paid. Answer: A 108. The case of Hadely Bv. Baxendale (1854) 8 Ex. Ch 341 deals with A. Early termination of contract B.

Amount of damage C. Overcoming impossibility D. Quasi-contractual response: B 75. The lien of an unpaid seller depends on _____ A. Possessions. B. Title. C. Ownership.

D. Possession and Ownership. Answer: A 55. If there is an unconditional contract for the sale of certain goods in a deliverable condition, ownership of the goods when_______________ A is transferred to the buyer. The goods are delivered to the buyer. B. The price is the responsibility of the buyer. C. D.

Damages. Answer: A 115. A creditor agrees with his debtors and a third party to accept that the third party, as the third party as the debtor, performs the contract by ____ A. Modification. B. Waiver. C. Withdrawal. D. Performance. Answer: B 88. In the event of a breach of warranty, buyers ________ will only claim damages.

C. refuses to pay the price. D. refuses to accept delivery of the goods. Answer: B 59. The contractual capacity of a company is regulated by_____________. A. its articles of association and the provision of the Companies Act 1956.B. the terms of the contract concluded with a third party. C.

its statutes. D. its prospectus. Answer: A 78. Unless otherwise agreed, if the goods are shipped by the seller by sea to the buyer, A. must inform the buyer in good time in order to have seller____ goods insured. C. must insure the goods. D. no need to insure the goods. Answer: A 79.

When a minor reaches the age of majority, he or she is 67 years of age. A contract for the sale of is_____________ furniture. A. Sale. B. Purchase Agreement. C. invalid. D. Countervailable.

Answer: B 18. If there is an error in causal, the contract ______ B. is countervailable. C. valid. D. Illegal. Answer: B 40. In the case of a sale, the property is goods_______________ A. Passes to the buyer. B. Still to be transferred to buyers.

C. Can be transferred to a later date. D. Will be transferred when the goods are delivered to the buyer. Answer: A 149. Consideration in a ___ contract. A. can be past, present or future.

B. can only be present or future. C. can only be present that D. may only be the future. Answer: A 48. In the event of a breach of a warranty can__________ Buyer A. may not return the goods. B.

Terminate the Contract. C. Return of Goods. D. Refuse to pay the price. Answer: B 137. D. the contract is uncertain.

Answer: C 76. If buyer`s negligence or refusal to accept the goods constitutes notice of contract, seller may sue for _______. A. Price of damages. only price. C. only damage. D. both for price and for damages..
